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Expressions of Love – August, 2017 Foothill Cluster Event

The event sponsored by the Foothill cluster in August did not feature a famous speaker, but instead highlight­ed stories of the women who came and expressed their love through the needlework they did in response to the message of Mark 12:31 – “Love your neighbor as your­self. There is no commandment greater than these.”

Sitting around one large table, the women listened first to the story of the “prayer shawl” ministry of Anastasia McGee from our host church – Salem Lutheran, Glendale. She told of the joyous and comforting feelings expressed by prayer shawl recipients. Each shawl is unique and often made to the interest of the one receiving it.

Most everyone spoke of a min­istry that challenged them to use their talents to create “masterpiec­es” for use as blankets, scarves and quilts. Two women felt inspired to enhance their skills so they could do more for some friends in the church and in a care facility in the commu­nity. Karil Drake had thoughtfully brought lots of needles yarn and thread and two women went to work on their creations. Penny Moy­er, along with her sister Karen Moy­er (our SoCal SWO president) went to work learning how to crochet.

While enjoying the meal, attend­ees spoke of the need to encourage others to learn more about quilting, knitting and crocheting specially since it is a valuable expression of love toward others. It is a multigen­erational activity where a young group can learn and participate on many projects. Special thanks was extended to members from Church Women United of Glendale who participated in the program.

The Women of the ELCA study, “Knitting as a spiritual practice,” can be downloaded for free here.