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Southwest California Synod > 2018 Synod Assembly – Call for Resolutions

2018 Synod Assembly – Call for Resolutions

The deadline for submitting a resolution to the Committee on Reference and Counsel has past. All resolutions submitted less than 60 days prior to the start of the Synod Assembly shall be placed on the assembly agenda as new business, requiring a two-thirds vote of voting members to put the resolution before the assembly for consideration. Please contact Cecelia Travick-Jackson at if you have any questions about this process.

2018 Southwest California Synod Assembly

Resolutions for consideration by the 2018 Southwest California Synod Assembly are due in the synod office no later than Thursday, March 29, 2018 by 5:00 p.m. Please note that resolutions must be sent both electronically and by postal mail or fax.

Resolutions may come from any institution, agency, synod ministry board, coalition, congregation, or individual, and must bear the signatures of at least five people who are members of the Southwest California Synod. The assembly will be held on the campus of California Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks from June 1 – 2, 2018.

All resolutions not received by the Committee on Reference and Counsel by 60 days prior to the start of the Synod Assembly shall be placed on the assembly agenda as new business, requiring a two-thirds vote of voting members to put the resolution before the assembly for consideration.

The Reference and Counsel Committee will take the following under consideration as it reviews and makes recommendations regarding submitted resolutions.

  • The Committee should review each Resolution to make sure that it is presented in correct grammatical form, so that the intent of the Resolution is clear, and so that the Assembly can consider the Resolution on the grounds of its merits and not get side-tracked in issues of grammar.
  • The Committee should review the Whereas’ of the Resolution so that they offer correct information and support the Resolution, and are not prejudicial, unnecessarily pejorative or factually incorrect.
  • The Committee should determine whether or not the Resolution is consistent with the Constitutions of the ELCA.
  • The Committee should determine to the best of its ability what financial impact, if any, adoption of the Resolution would have on the Synod.
  • The Committee may make a recommendation to the Assembly regarding the Resolution. The recommendation should be based in part on whether or not the Resolution meets the above four guidelines.

You can download the Resolution Submittal Form here and a sample resolution here. Please contact Andreas Hirsch in the synod office if you have any questions.

Cecelia Travick-Jackson, Chair of Reference and Counsel