Special Annual Events
Global Church Sunday
Congregations are encouraged to celebrate our global partners some Sunday in October. Information for bulletin inserts and a video are provided for use on that Sunday. Each person attending worship is invited to give $1 for each of our two companion synods.

Refugee and Migrant Sunday
Usually observed the second Sunday of Lent – informational materials and stories of refugees and immigrants from our Synod and from the national body, LIRS (Lutheran Immigrant and Refugee Services).

Mission trip to El Salvador
10 days in August – participation in projects, worship and fellowship with our brothers and sisters in El Salvador as we accompany them in their ministries.

Region 2 Global Missions Gathering in November
Held at the Pacifica Synod Offices in Santa Ana. Presentations on accompaniment, race and culture, international students (YAGM) , and ELCA global church, with time for small group work and synodical and regional planning.