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Southwest California Synod > Standard Blog > 2020 Bulletin of Reports > 2020 Bulletin of Reports: Foothill Conference

2020 Bulletin of Reports: Foothill Conference

2019/2020 was a year of less transition in the Foothill Conference of our beloved Synod. Here is a brief rundown of some of the leadership and other changes (as on 04/09/2020):

  • Pastor Zach Johnson has been called to Hill Avenue Grace, Pasadena
  • The rest of the Conference has entered into a time of stability

Anita Stoker concluded her year of service to the Conference as Chair, as her and her spouse have moved to Minnesota, and Susan Johnson was elected to that role. Additionally, Pr. Deborah Andersen continued her service as Secretary/Treasurer. Deborah continued to encourage congregations to remember their commitment of minimal dues payments to further the work of the Conference.

Meetings of the Conference were graciously hosted by the Synod Office as were the regular meetings of the Collegium. The Conference wishes to express its great gratitude to the Synod Staff for their hospitality and helpfulness.

As Dean, I am yet again grateful for all of the Rostered Leaders who serve the congregations of the Conference and I ask the Holy Spirit to strengthen each one of them as well as those Rostered Leaders within the Conference who are currently without call or who are retired.

Moreover, I know that I, and all of our Rostered Leaders, give God thanks for the lay leaders within each of our congregations who steadfastly rejoice in doing God’s Work with (Their) Hands as together we seek to Make Christ Known in the Foothills and beyond.

As we continue in this time of COVID-19 and an unknown future, we take solace in God’s presence and the Body of Christ lived out through our lives as God’s people. May we be held in grace, hope, and love.

The Rev. Scott C. Peterson – Dean