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Southwest California Synod > Standard Blog > _export 2022 > World Hunger Team – SWCA2022 Report

World Hunger Team – SWCA2022 Report

In 2022, ELCA World Hunger is partnering in new and continuing ways through domestic granting, more than doubling 2021 levels of investment thanks to the generosity of this church. Through this year’s partnerships, ELCA World Hunger is investing in long-term sustainable transformation in communities most vulnerable to systemic injustices that lead to hunger and poverty. This year, 57 new Domestic Hunger Grants will join existing multi-year commitments for a total of 146 grants across 57 synods, representing over $1 million in investment in partner ministries.

Southwest California Synod had one grant applicant selected. Congratulations to My Friends House, Inc. This ministry is part of Ascension Lutheran Church, Los Angeles. The grant funds will be awarded over the next three years.

My Friend’s House (MFH), Inc. is a food distribution and nutritional instruction center that has increased its ability to offer food assistance to over 175 family units per week, issuing up to approximately 23 pounds of food per family. Due to the heightened level of impoverishment created in the 2020 pandemic year, MFH has remained as the city’s most sought after food pantry. MFH has continued its culinary program designed to aid clients in acquiring a working knowledge of healthy food combinations while understanding the nutritional content in meal preparation. The food pantry is companied by nutritional instruction and informative food preparation techniques such that every client can achieve a healthy lifestyle.

Sheri Groenveld
Melissa Henry
Pastor Steve Herder
Mary Wennes