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Southwest California Synod > 2023 Budget Workshop

2023 Budget Workshop

On May 30, 2023 at 7pm, Mike Metzger, Treasurer, will host an online budget workshop/meeting.

According to the Constitution and Bylaws of the Southwest California Synod:

S10.04.          Any proposal to appropriate funds, whether by amendment to the budget or otherwise, which is presented to a meeting of the Synod Assembly without the approval of the Synod Council, shall be referred to the Executive Committee for a report and recommendation prior to action by the Synod Assembly and shall require a two-thirds majority vote by the Assembly for adoption.

Anyone wishing to make amendments to this budget may do so in writing by 12pm on June 2. All amendments should be sent to or handed to the secretary in person. Executive committee will then meet and review the impacts of proposed amendments before budget approval.

Click here to register to attend

Hello Colleagues in Christ,


Next Tuesday, May 30, 2023, 7PM, our Treasurer Mike Metzger is hosting a meeting to review the 2024 Budget of the Southwest California Synod. You are getting this email because you are a Southwest California Synod leader who is Black, Asian, or Latinx. To expand diversity and inclusion in our governance practices, we want to make a special invitation to our congregations of color for this budget preview meeting. In solidarity, send in questions ahead of time and WEAR RED (represents the presence of the Holy Spirit) to the Zoom meeting. Let’s show how our communities can show up.


Click Here to Register To get the Zoom link you will have to register.


Click Here to Submit Questions Please submit question so our Treasurer can prepare.


With blessings,

Mike Metzger, Treasurer (He, Him) Pastor Toni Castañeda Carrera (She, They)


Hola colegas en Cristo,


El próximo Martes 30 de Mayo de 2023, a las 7 p.m., nuestro Tesorero Mike Metzger organizará una reunión para revisar el presupuesto 2024 del Sínodo del Suroeste de California. Están recibiendo este correo electrónico porque forman el liderazgo del Sínodo del Suroeste de California que representa la comunidad Afrodescendiente, Asiático o Latino. Para ampliar la diversidad y la inclusión en nuestras prácticas de gobierno, queremos hacer una invitación especial a nuestras congregaciones para revisar el avance del presupuesto. En solidaridad, envíe preguntas con anticipación y USE VESTUARIO ROJO (representa la presensia del Espiritu Santo) en la reunión de Zoom. Usemos este taller para mostrar como nuestras comunidades se pueden movilizar.


Haga clic aquí para registrarse Para obtener el enlace de Zoom tendrá que registrarse.


Haga clic aquí para enviar preguntas Por favor, envíe la pregunta para que nuestro Tesorero pueda prepararse.


Con bendiciones,


Mike Metzger, Treasurer (He, Him) Pastor Toni Castañeda Carrera (She, They)


大家好,請查看此電子郵件並表達是否贊同或進行編輯。 我希望盡快得到答覆。




2023 年 5 月 30 日下星期一晚上 7 點,我們的財務主管麥克梅茨格 (Treasurer, Mike Metzger) 將主持一場會議,審查西南加州 2024 年的預算。 您收到這封電子郵件是因為您是西南加州教區的領導人,並且是黑人、亞裔或拉丁裔。 為了在我們行政管理的實踐中擴大多元性和包容性,我們想特別邀請我們的非白人成員參加這次的大會前預覽審查預算之會議。 為了表示合一,請提前發送您的問題並在參加 Zoom 會議時穿紅色(代表聖靈的同在)。 讓我們展示我們的群體如何與彼此同在。


請點擊此處註冊,您必須註冊以獲得 Zoom 鏈接。




Mike Metzger, Treasurer (He, Him) Pastor Toni Castañeda Carrera (She, They)


更正:會議時間為 5 30 日,星期二,晚上7 點。