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Southwest California Synod > Justice Team

Justice Team

What does the Lord God require of us but to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with our God? (Micah 6:8)

The Mission Team for Justice helps the Synod and its congregations, institutions and agencies address issues of justice in public life from Christian perspectives while being guided in their public witness by the Social Statements of the ELCA. This team works closely with the Lutheran Office of Public Policy and the California Council of Churches in matters of advocacy.

In accordance with the promises made in Baptism, we are committed to "strive for justice and peace in all the earth"

• Educate, Equip and Engage clergy, congregational leaders and members in doing justice
• Represent our Synod in the broader movement for justice
• Ensure that our own Lutheran institutions operate justly
• Link with our national and international church bodies, responding to their directives and calling them to just practices and policies

If you are interested in being a member of the Mission Team for Justice, please contact the Justice Team Chair Sharon Heck.

The Green Faith Team encourages Lutherans to think of relationship to God’s creations in terms of stewardship and care.
Jane Affonso, Acting Chair

The Middle East Peace Task Force provides educational resources and opportunities for advocacy for peace and justice in the Middle East.
Bishop Emeritus Dean Nelson, Chair

Anti-racism and Diversity Committee
Ron Nelson, Chair

Healthcare Committee
Robert McDuff, Chair

Prison Ministry and Death Penalty Committee
John Halbert, Chair

Immigration Committee
The Rev. Dr. Alexia Salvatierra, Chair