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Southwest California Synod > Visit Germany in 2017!

Visit Germany in 2017!

Join Bishop Guy Erwin for a 12-Day tour exploring Germany and the sites associated with Martin Luther in this 500th Anniversary year of the beginning of the Reformation. Visit Wittenberg, Erfurt, Wartburg Castle, Leipzig, Berlin, and much more. We will also see Weimar and Buchenwald, where Dietrich Bonhoeffer was held prisoner.

Bishop Erwin will be leading the tours, answering questions, and providing historical context throughout the trip. An optional 5-Day Post-Tour of Bavaria is also offered. Register now and receive an early bird discount!

Click here for an online brochure with prices, itinerary, and registration details.  A printable brochure is available here. For more information, contact Rev. Russ Gordon, Director of Travel Ministry with Educational Opportunities Tours at, or by phone at (805) 544-3502.