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Southwest California Synod > 2023 Synod Assembly

2023 Synod Assembly


Online registration of voting members and visitors to the Assembly

Please use this link to pay. Select "Synod Assembly Payments" from the drop down menu

Click the button below to go to the registration page. Both group and individual registration options are available. ALL attendees must register online. Once registered, you will receive a link for payments.

Online registration will close on May 31st



Videos of the Synod Assembly will be available on our YouTube channel.



Fee Categories: includes meals on-site

  • Congregation/SAWC:the base congregational fee includes attendance for a called rostered or TEEM Leader and two lay voting members. - $450
  • Additional rostered leaders: A congregation pays an additional fee for called rostered leaders such as an assistant pastor or a deacon. - $150
  • Additional lay voting members: If a congregation is entitled to additional voting members and chooses to send them, an additional fee is charged. -  $150
  • Additional youth or young adult voting member(s) age 30 and under:Free (This does not include lodging)
  • Rostered leaders under special or synodical call: a fee is charged for a rostered leader under special or synodical call unless that leader is an assistant to the bishop.  - $150
  • Rostered leaders who are retired/OLFC/on disabled status registering as voting members  - $150
  • Rostered leaders who are retired/OLFC/on disabled status registering as non-voting members(with voice but not vote) - $100
  • Visitors, Vendor, Candidate for Roster, Clergy-Other Synod (non-voting): $100
  • Council Members who are voting members per the constitution are not charged fees for attendance.

There is not going to be a separate fee for those congregations registering to attend via Zoom.

Synod Assembly business will begin by 9:00 a.m. on Friday, June 2. The Assembly will end by 4pm on Saturday, June 3. It will be held at California Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks. Some display tables will be open and representatives available from various organizations during this time.

Registration questions may be directed to TaSh Elzie at 818.507.9591, ext. 210 or by email at

Assembly Member Roles

Accommodation Information

Booking at the specialized rate for the assembly has now closed. 

Palm Garden Hotel495 N Ventu Park Rd, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320(805) 716-4200